Circuit Fit Part A: EMOM 8 1 – 2 Dbl. DB Power Cleans + 6 DB Front Rack Squats 2 – 25 Hollow Rock Part B: 4 Rounds Every 6 mins complete 1 round of: 20 Wall Balls...
Part A: Strict Press 4 @ 70% 3 @ 80% 2 @ 85% 1 @ 95% 2×3 @ 80% Part B: AMRAP 13 3 Deadlift* 5 Box Jump Over (24/20) 7 TTB *R 1-4: 185/125 *R 5-8: 225/155 *R...
Part A: 100-80-60-40-20 DU 50-40-30-20-10 AbMat Sit Up 25-20-15-10-5 Assault Bike Cals -or- 35-30-25-20-10 Row Cals M: 150-120-90-60-30 Singles Part B: 5 Rounds :20 Right Side Plank :10 Rest 5 Rounds :20 Left Side Plank :10...
Part A: Establish a 1 RM Power Snatch to OHS Part B: AMRAP 8 3 HSPU 3 Power Clean (185/125) 6 HSPU 3 Power Clean 9 HSPU 3 Power Clean 12 HSPU 6 Power Clean 15 HSPU 6...
Circuit Fit 6 Rounds Every 7 mins complete: 400m Run 12 Push Ups 16 OH Plate Lunges 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups Score = total work time.
FREE INTRO WORKOUT TODAY FOR ANY AND ALL! NO NEED TO SIGN UP IN ADVANCE. JUST C’MON IN. “12 Days of Christmas” 1 KB Goblet Squat (2/1.5) 2 Power Clean (155/105) 3 Deadlift (155/105) 4 STOH (155/105) 5...
Part A: AMRAP 15 60 Double Unders 20 Cal Row 10 Double DB Push Up (45s/35s) 10 Double KB Box Step Up (1.5’s/1.0’s, 20”) C: same M: 1/.66 KBs Part B: 4 Rounds, each round UB :30 Hollow...
20 Rounds 3 Clean and Jerk (115/85) 8 AbMat Sit Up 3 HSPU 8 Alt. Reverse Lunge Cap = 28 mins C: same, or 95/65 M: 75/55, Pike HSPUs or Seated DB Press Circuit Fit Same. ...
10 Rounds AMRAP 2 200m Run Max. Burpee Box Jump (24/20) Score = total Burpee Box Jump
Part A: Strict Press 4 @ 70% 3 @ 80% 2 @ 85% 1 @ 90% 2×3 @ 80% Part B: 30/24 Cal Row 20 Hang Power Snatch (95/65) ~Rest 2 mins~ 60/48 Cal Row 10...