Teams of 2 Every 6:00 (4 sets) 75 Double Unders (Each/ same time) Partner 1: 10 Dumbbell Box Step Overs (50s/35s) (24/20) Partner 2: 15 GHD Sit Ups (or stick sit-ups) *Both working at the same time and...
For Time: 200m Run 10 Squat Snatch (95/65) 300m Run 6 Squat Snatch (135/95) 400m Run 2 Squat Snatch (155/105) -Rest 3:00- 2 Squat Snatch (155/105) 400m Run 6 Squat Snatch (135/95) 300m Run 10 Squat Snatch...
Part A. Back Squat 1 x 10 Part B. Teams of 2 300 Box Step-ups (20” all athletes) * Every 2:00 (including 0:00) 4 Power Cleans (185/125) * Share the 300 box step ups between partners. *Each...
2 sets (1 set every 10:00) 20/16 Calorie Air Bike 20 V-Ups 25 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 20/16 Calorie Air Bike 20 V-Ups Rest 1 min between rounds C: 16/13; 35/25 M:...
Strength 15 mins to work to a Heavy Clean + Push Jerk 3 sets: 5:00 AMRAP 8 Overhead Squats (95/65) 8 Burpee Over Bar 8 Pull Ups -rest 3:00 between sets- C: 75/55; Ring Rows M: 65/45 Ring Rows...
A. 10 Rounds 16 Single Dumbbell Alternating Step Back Lunges (50/35) 2 Wall Walks C: 35/25; 8 Shoulder Taps M: 25/15; 6 Shoulder Taps B. Double Under/Crossover work Mobility 1 min lying 90/90 hip stretch (each side) 1...
Strength 15 minutes to work to a Heavy Clean Single Workout 2000/1750m Row *Every 2:00 (including 0:00) perform 15/12 Push Ups Mobility 1 min couch stretch (each side) 1 min twisted cross (each side) 30 sec bicep stretch on...
8 Rounds 12 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 16 Wall Ball Sit Ups (20/14) * *start at 0, then after set 2,4,6 and 8 200m run** * * after 1, 3, 5, 7 200m Row**
“Hall Team Six” Buy In: 1000m Run 6 Rounds 4 Clean & Jerks 185/125 17 Push Ups 44 Double Unders 1 Muscle Up Cash Out: I60 Sit Ups C – 135/85; 44 SU, 1 C2B M – 115/65,...
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpee Dumbbell Deadlift (50s/35s) 10/8 Calorie Assault or 8/7 Calorie Echo Bike after each set 4 Rounds 12 Laying Chest Fly with Bands @ moderate weight – maintain quality 10 Barbell Skull Crushers @ moderate weight...