We now offer personal training!
Can’t make a class? Want more time drilling the olympic lifts? Or simply just want assistance getting that first pull up? We can completely customize a workout program for you in one or two meetings to lay the groundwork for your own personal program, around your busy schedule. Or we can provide regular personal training every week, 1-4 times per week. These one hour sessions can be one on one, or two or even three on one if you have some friends you’d like to work with.
It all starts with an initial meeting with your coach to discuss what your goals are. Your goals may be weight loss, a new PR, injury recovery, sport specific, hypertrophy, improved cardio vascular endurance, etc. Through regular meetings and email support your coach can help you move forward to meet these goals.
For more information or to just get started, email us at info@fallschurchathletics.com